MIKE MUIR: 'There's A Very Good Chance' That 'World Gone Mad' Will Be SUICIDAL TENDENCIES' Final Album
June 2, 2017SUICIDAL TENDENCIES frontman Mike Muir was interviewed on the May 26-28 edition of Full Metal Jackie's nationally syndicated radio show. You can now listen to the chat using the Podbean widget below.
Asked about his previous comment that SUICIDAL TENDENCIES' latest album, "World Gone Mad", might be the band's last, Muir said: "I think it's a whole different process now, because previously, it used to be, 'Okay, time to do another record.' You go in there, and you record, and you're going into the studio and you're paying money. And you'd have everything planned out before you even go into here. Now, the good side of [making] music [is that], I guess, everybody has their own studio and anybody can use Pro Tools, so you can go in at any time, so you don't sit there and go, 'We're going in. We have this amount of time. Blah blah blah.' So you don't really think about it. And we found that, over the years, we record a lot of stuff just because we love doing music and having fun and not necessarily love the aspect of putting it out for other people to hear and judge and whatever."
He continued: "I think that with 'World Gone Mad', I think it's a perfect statement record to fit in with all what else we've done in the past and it's a good way to end it. As I said before, at the same time we recorded an EP, and there's a possibility we'll still put that out. But there's a very good chance that'll be the last album-album that we do. I know Dave [Lombardo, SUICIDAL TENDENCIES drummer] is… every time we talk, he's, like, 'Hey, let's record something.' So we'll always record things. Whether we put it out, I don't know. We've been so busy since this record has come out and we've got so much stuff already planned that it's, like, I can't even think about even recording another record anyhow. So I guess that's good."
Lombardo made his recorded debut with SUICIDAL TENDENCIES on "World Gone Mad", which came out at the end of September.
On Sunday, June 4, councilmember José Huizar and Los Angeles-based artist Robert Vargas will unveil a mural of Muir. Following the unveiling, Muir and SUICIDAL TENDENCIES will perform a free live show for fans of the band.
Located on Santa Fe Avenue in the Arts District, the Mike Muir mural is adjacent to the future 6th Street Bridge and park space. Councilmember Huizar worked with the City's Department of Cultural Affairs to work with Robert Vargas, a prolific muralist whose work is displayed throughout the city, to paint a mural of Muir. Vargas is painting the mural freehand, without using stencils, projections or grids.